Company profile
Kitman Associates is a firm of management consultants registered both in Nigeria and Uganda. Kitman Asociates has been involved in management consultancy at different levels of the society in Nigeria such as education, insurance, banking and also management training and ICT.
Our service offerings fall under the following broad categories:
  • Accounting services, excluding audit.
  • Human resource services, including executive selection and training.
  • IT-based business solutions (application software development and networking)
  • Other consultancy services
Success Stories
The following assignments have successfully been undertaken:
  • Setting up a fixed asset register for a high profile private school in Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Managing debtor’s ledger for a leading insurance company in Nigeria
  • Reviewing accounting systems of a Nigerian insurance company
  • Running various workshops on accounting
  • Carrying out due diligence exercise for an insurance company in Nigeria
  • Assisting with recapitalization of insurance companies in Nigeria.
  • Executive recruitment/selection for one of the foremost insurance companies in Nigeria with off-shore companies in other African countries, including Uganda, Rwanda and other East African countries.                                                     
The firm, Kitman Associates , is headed by Mr. Oluwole Akitunde, FCA (a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria). He is registered as Accountant with the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria. He was a member of the Accounting Standards Steering Committee (ASSC) of the then Nigerian Accounting Standards Board (now Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria) that drafted the Nigeria's GAAP for Insurance. The GAAP, titled Statement of Accounting Standard (SAS 16) - Accounting for Insurance Business, was issued in December 1997 and became operative from 1 January, 1998.
Wole’s working experience of over 50 years spans accounting practice, conglomerate, and insurance industry where he worked in UNIC (a leading insurance company in Nigeria) for 28 years and retired in early 2002 as an executive director.
Our managing consultant is assisted by a team of seasoned professionals.

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PC/Mac Multimedia Desks Services Our service offerings fall under the following broad categories: 1) Accounting services, excluding audit. 2) Human resource services, including executive selection and training. 3) IT-based business solutions (application software development and networking) 4) Other consultancy services

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The extension can be installed by all businesses of all sizes, including the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), who may desire to computerize the Cash Book aspect of their accounting function (if none was in place before) or will want to replace the existing one with our robust extension. The extension, Cash Book, can be a stand-alone installation. Large enterprises can also acquire it as a bespoke application/extension.                                           A cash book records all the cash transactions of a business. It has two sides to it, Receipts side and Payments side. Transactions are recorded in chronological order and the balance is updated and verified on a continuous basis. Cash information can be accessed faster from the cash book. How the cash book works enables efficient management of cash and also helps cash budgeting.        

The fields in the extension with the explanations are as follows:                                                           i) Cash Book - Once the extension is installed, the 'Cash Book/Receipts and Payments' comes up.   A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The fields to be completed are, namely: 

 Any of the above activities can be  done for any of the entries or a combination of them or for all of the entries. 

To work on an entry, the box in front of it is ticked and all the activities earlier mentioned appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on more than one entry, the boxes against the required boxes are ticked when all the activities appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on all of the entries, the first box, in between the eye-like image and Auto Number column, is ticked which automatically ticks all of the entries. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 


On installation of this extension, and to ensure completeness of record, it would be necessary to ascertain cash and bank balances before the introduction of the extension. It is important that the figures that appeared in the last Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) would be the opening figures in the extension, provided the installation took place and became operational on the first day of the succeeding year. However, if the installation is done during the accounting year, it may be necessary to draw up a Bank Reconciliation as at the date of installation so as to determine the take-on figure for the bank. A certified Statement of Cash Balance as at the date of installation issued by a designated officer (the CEO or Company Secretary) might be needed. Furthermore, figures of the audited interim financial statements or of the management accounts might be used.


Please find below the link (URL) to the installation processing page.     Once it is clicked on, the installation page opens.  

Marketplace app 



Help documentation for Debtors Control  (Accounts Receivable Control)

JUSTIFICATION FOR INSTALLING DEBTORS CONTROL EXTENSION The extension can be installed by all businesses of all sizes, including the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), who may desire to computerize the credit control aspect of their accounting functions (if none was in place before) or will want to replace the existing one with our robust extensions. The extension, Debtors Control, can be a stand-alone installation. Large enterprises can also acquire it as a bespoke application.                                                                                                                       The justification for installing the Debtors Control extension is also true for its counterpart, Creditors Control extension.                                                                                                                                  The debtors' control account is an account in the General Ledger that represents the total amount owed by all the individual debtors. It reflects the sales transactions with all the debtors and the total amount collected from arrive at the total amount receivable from all debtors.' The extension gives the individual accounts of debtors and the balances due from them whose total forms the basis for the control amount. The fields in the extension with the explanations are as follows:  i) Debtor Name - Once the extension is installed, the 'Debtor Name' comes up or the user may need to click on 'Debtor Name' on the left panel for it to come up. A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The fields to be completed are, namely: 

  • Debtor Name - The name of the debtor is stated here.
  • Debtor Type - The appropriate type is ticked out of the three types provided.
  • Address - The address fields are completed. Each of the fields can store data. A field is double-clicked to display the stored items. If the required item is in the list, it is clicked on and gets entered in the field. If the required item is not in the list, the new item is entered and it is stored along with others for subsequent or future use.
  • Account Number - The Account Number of the Debtor is filled here.
  • Voucher Type - A drop-down is provided listing three Voucher Types. The relevant one is clicked on for the field.
  • Voucher Date - The Voucher Date is entered here.
  • Voucher Number-The Voucher Number is entered here.
  • Voucher Amount - The amount on the Voucher is to be entered in this field.
  • Payment Received - The field must not be left empty! If no payment was received, then '0' (zero) must be entered in the field.
  • Debtor Balance - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value!
  • Debtor’s Account Balance NOTHING is to be entered in this field also. This is the field that shows the balance due from/(-to) ALL debtors.
  • Name – This item has two fields for completion: First Name and Last Name. Help text is provided underneath the fields which reads Data Entry Officer.                                             
  • Each field can store names. In entering the First Name, you are to double-click on the field when all the stored names would be displayed. If the name is in the list, you just click on the name and it will be entered in the field. If the name is not in the list, you add it by typing the name in the field when it is also stored and would be available for use subsequently or in the future.          The same procedure goes for Last Name. You double-click on the empty field of Last Name when all the stored names are displayed and one can further click on the required name, if displayed. If not displayed, the new name is entered and this will now be stored and be available for future/subsequent use.
  • Add your Note here - You may add your note in this field, if you have any.
  • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on.
  • NB. All fields asterisked in red must be completed before the Debtor Name form can be submitted.

  • ii) All Debtor Names - The data entered in Debtor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Debtor Names. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report. ii) All Debtor Names Report - The data entered in Debtor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Debtor Names Report when the Submit button is clicked on in the Form. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following activities can be carried out in the All Debtor Names Report section of the extension, namely, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Print, and Export.

 Any of the above activities can be  done for any of the entries or a combination of them or for all of the entries. 

To work on an entry, the box in front of it is ticked and all the activities earlier mentioned appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on more than one entry, the boxes against the required boxes are ticked when all the activities appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on all of the entries, the first box, in between the eye-like image and Auto Number column, is ticked which automatically ticks all of the entries. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive).

 TAKE - ON BALANCES                                                                                                                        Unless a business is new and just starting operation when it might not have acquired debtors, otherwise an existing business would have had debtors on its books. On installation of this extension, and to ensure completeness of record, it would be necessary to ascertain balances outstanding against the individual debtors before introduction of the extension. It is important that the aggregate of these balances must equal the Accounts receivable figure in the last Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet). Such debtors' balances must be posted in the extension to the respective debtors' accounts with take-on balance or any other suitable name as the narration. A situation might arise where there is no available Statement of Financial Position after the audited one of the preceding year. In this case, take-on balances derived from the preceding year's audited Statement are posted into the extension. In addition, individual transactions from the beginning of the current year to the time of installation are also posted. Where available, figures of the audited interim financial statements or of the management accounts might be used. It is suggested that a Journal is raised for the take-on balances. A spreadsheet (for example, Microsoft Excel) may be used for the Journal for ease of calculation. All the debtor balances are entered in the Excel sheet and the total must be the same as the figure for Accounts Receivable or Debtors in the Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet. The Journal now stands as the Voucher for posting to the extension.


Please find below the link (URL) to the installation processing page.     Once it is clicked on, the installation page opens.       

 Marketplace app link

At the top of the page are two buttons namely, Start free trial and Buy Now. If the decision is to have a trial first, the Start free trial button is clicked on and the process of installation is initiated. The process for purchase is initiated by clicking on the Buy Now button.At the button of the page is the Help documentation button. A click on this will open the documentation that will guide the user on the interaction with the Extension.



Help documentation for Creditors Control (Accounts Payable Control)


The extension can be installed by all businesses of all sizes, including the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), who may desire to computerise the credit control aspect of their accounting functions (if none was in place before) or will want to replace the existing one with our robust extensions. The extension, Creditors Control, can be a stand-alone installation. Large enterprises can also acquire it as a bespoke application.                                                                    The justification for installing the Debtors Control extension is also true for its counterpart, Creditors Control extension. The creditors' control account is an account in the General Ledger that represents the total amount owed to all the individual creditors. It reflects the total purchase transactions with all the creditors and the total amount paid to these creditors to arrive at the total amount payable to all the creditors. The extension gives the individual accounts of creditors and the balances due to them whose total forms the basis for the control amount. 

i) Creditor Name Form                                                                                                                           A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The fields to be completed are, namely: 

Creditor Type - The appropriate type is ticked out of the three types provided.

 • Creditor Name - The name of the creditor is stated here. 

 Address - The address fields are completed. Each of the fields can store data. A field is double-clicked to display the stored items. If the required item is in the list, it is clicked on and gets entered in the field. If the required item is not in the list, the new item is entered and it is stored along with others for subsequent or future use. 

Account Number - The Account Number of the Creditor is filled here. 

Voucher Types - A drop-down is provided listing three Voucher Types. The relevant one is clicked on for the field. 

Voucher Date - The Voucher Date is entered here. 

Voucher Number-The Voucher Number is entered here. 

Voucher Amount - The amount on the Voucher is to be entered in this field. 

Payment made - The field must not be left empty! If no payment was received, then '0' (zero) must be entered in the field. 

Creditor Balance - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will automatically calculate the value! 

Creditor’s Account Balance – NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will also automatically calculate the value. This field shows the balance due to/from ALL the creditors. • Name – This item has two fields for completion: First Name and Last Name. Help text is provided underneath the fields which reads Data Entry Officer. Each field can store names. o In entering the First Name, you are to double-click on the field when all the stored names would be displayed. If the name is in the list, you just click on the name and it will be entered in the field. If the name is not in the list, you add it by typing the name in the field when it is also stored and would be available for use subsequently or in the future. The same procedure goes for Last Name. You double-click on the empty field of Last Name when all the stored names are displayed and one can further click on the required name, if displayed. If not displayed, the new name is entered and this will now be stored and be available for future/subsequent use. 

Add your Note here - You may add your note in this field, if you have any. 

Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on. NB. All fields asterisked in red must be completed before the Creditor Name Form can be submitted.

 ii) All Creditor Names - The data entered in Creditor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Creditor Names. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.                                              All Creditor Names Report - The data entered in Creditor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Creditor Names Report when the Submit button is clicked on in the Form.                                 The following activities can be carried out in the All Creditor Names Report section of the extension, namely, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Print, and Export.                                                                               Any of the above activities can be done for any of the entries or a combination of them or for all of the entries. 

To work on an entry, the box in front of it is ticked and all the activities earlier mentioned appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on more than one entry, the boxes against the required boxes are ticked when all the activities appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on all of the entries, the first box, in between the eye-like image and Auto Number column, is ticked which automatically ticks all of the entries. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

TAKE - ON BALANCES                                                                                                                 Unless a business is new and just starting operation when it might not have acquired creditors, otherwise an existing business would have had creditors on its books. On installation of this extension, and to ensure completeness of record, it would be necessary to ascertain balances due to be paid to the individual creditors before introduction of the extension. It is important that the aggregate of these balances must equal the Accounts payable figure in the last Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet). Such creditors' balances must be posted in the extension to the respective creditors' accounts with take-on balance or any other suitable name as the narration. A situation might arise where there is no available Statement of Financial Position after the audited one of the preceding year. In this case, take-on balances derived from the preceding year's audited Statement are posted into the extension. In addition, individual transactions from the beginning of the current year to the date of installation are also posted. Where available, figures of the audited interim financial statements or of the management accounts might be used.                                     It is suggested that a Journal is raised for the take-on balances. A spreadsheet (for example, Microsoft Excel) may be used for the Journal for ease of calculation. All the creditor balances are entered in the Excel sheet and the total must be the same as the figure for Accounts Payable or Creditors in the Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet. The Journal now stands as the Voucher for posting to the extension


Please find below the link (URL) to the installation page. Once it is clicked on, the installation page opens. 

At the top of the page are two buttons namely, Start free trial and Buy Now. If the decision is to have a trial first, the Start free trial button is clicked on and the process of installation is initiated. The process for purchase is initiated by clicking on the Buy Now button.At the button of the page is the Help documentation button. A click on this will open the documentation that will guide the user on the interaction with the Extension.


The development of the extensions was informed by the experience of our Managing Consultant, Mr. Oluwole Akitunde, who has been involved with the insurance industry for about 50 years now (precisely since February 1974). An insurance company is formed to pay genuine claims to the insureds who suffer loss under the insurance policies bought. We, at Kitman Associates, therefore thought that it was important for attention to be given to insurance claims management. In addition to the Reports from the extensions on Claims Payments and Claims Outstanding being used to assess the efficiency of the claims management and administration procedures, they could also give an insight into the financial health of the insurance company. For instance, an undue delay in settling claims might be due to liquidity problems. Claims outstanding that have been on the books of an insurer for an unreasonable long time might also be due to liquidity difficulties being experienced by the insurance company.

An extension has also been developed to record insurance premium written and also calculate unearned premium reserve (UPR) and deferred acquisition cost (DAC) on Commission, using the 365ths. method. In a jurisdiction where 365ths. method is in use, reports produced by the extension could be compared with figures produced by management to confirm accuracy or adequacy of the UPR and DAC in the financial statements. Even where a jurisdiction does not employ the 365ths. method, the extension would produce the 365ths. figures which could be compared with the figures from the method in use.

The foregoing three extensions are useful for all the stakeholders of the insurance industry. These include the insurance companies, insurance brokers and other insurance intermediaries, insurance regulatory authoriries, external auditors, and other stakeholders. For the insurance companies, the three extensions can collectively be called the "truth meter' whose reports would draw attention to where corrections need to be made, if any.

An extension (Amortization Calculator) is also available for the calculation of accruals on fixed-interest  securities (eg. debenture interest) and fixed-term transactions (eg. rent received or rent paid in advance).                                                                                            

The use of the  Amortization Calculator extension cuts across all sectors of the economy where such transactions take place.                                                                                                         


Zoho Creator-developed extensions/applications

  1. Amortization Calculator
  2. Insurance PremComm Analysis
  3. Insurance Claims Outstanding and Age Analysis
  4. Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis

Extension links

You may kindly click on any of the links of the Extension of interest to you.

This will take you to the page which has, among other items, the 'Login' and 'Sign up' buttons at its upper right corner.

Clicking on the 'Sign up' button, will bring up a form for your completion and submission.

On the successful submission of the form, the Admin (Zoho Corporation of Chennai, India) will give a guide on the installation of the Extension.

In case you are interested in more than one or all of the Extensions, the installations

are to be handled one after the other. 

Marketplace app link (Accruals and Prepayments (formerly Amortization Calculator);                                                                                  

Marketplace app link (Insurance PremComm Analysis);                                                                    

 Marketplace app link (Insurance Claims Outstanding Age Analysis);                                            

 Marketplace app link (Insurance Claims Payments and Delay Analysis).



Help document for Accruals and Prepayments (formerly Amortization Calculator)

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The following fields are completed:
  • User - The Data Entry Officer's name.
  • Organization - The organization of the Data Entry Officer where the data processing is outsourced to a consultant. If not outsourced, then it will be the name of the client or company.
  • Client ID - The ID of the Client whose data is being processed by the organization. If not outsourced, then this may not be applicable (N/A).
  • Client Type - This is selected as appropriate.
  • Company Name - The name of the company, if the Client Type is Company.
  • Company website - The website of the company, if the Client Type is Company.
  • The above details will determine if the data processing is outsourced or not.
  • Client - The contact person in the company. Necessary especially where the data processing is outsourced. If an individual is the client, this will be the name of the client.
  • Department - A drop-down when clicked on shows Department A, Department B, Department C, and N/A. The department of the contact person is clicked on and entered here.
  • Email address: Email address of the client/company is entered here, or email of the individual who is the client.
  • Address: Other address details of the client/company or the individual are entered in the fields up to Country.
  • Phone Number: Phone number of the client/company.
  • Security - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will show the Security types. Security Types provided for are: Interest Received on Treasury Bills, Interest Received on Govt Stocks, Rent Paid in Advance, Legal Retainer's fee, and Choice 3. The intended security is selected which now shows in the security field.
  • StartDate - This is the date the transaction starts to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be overwritten to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the start date.
  • Year/PrdEnd - This is the accounting year or period to which the accrual or prepayment is calculated from the StartDate. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be overwritten to the required date with the cursor. It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the year/prdend date.
  • EndDate - This is the date the transaction comes to an end. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be overwritten to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the end date.
  • Receipts - The field has a -1 for it. This is not to be altered.
  • Payments - The field has a 1 for it. This is not to be altered.
  • ReceiptorPayment - The data entry personnel is to enter either -1 or 1 in this field depending on whether the data is a Receipt or a Payment respectively.
  • AMOUNT1- The amount is entered here.
  • Amount - The figure is calculated automatically by the extension and it will show in the All Clients page. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Amortized - This is the portion of the Amount amortized from the StartDate to the Year/Prd.End. The calculation is done by the App. on submission of the Form and shown in the Report. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Balance - This is the balance of the Amount from the Year/Prd.End to the EndDate. The calculation is done by the App. on submission of the Form and shown in the Report. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Date Posted:  This is the date of posting the transaction.
  • Email address - This is the email address of the data entry officer. It is mandatory and therefore to be completed.
  • Other Details         
  •  Client Status - A click on this gives a drop-down of three options. An appropriate one is ticked.
  • Type Of Business - A drop-down shows the following types of clients/companies: Service Provider, Manufacturer, Consultant, Traders and Distributors, Other, and Choice 3. The applicable type of business of the client/company is ticked. 
  • Preferred Contact Method - If a consultant is handling, the client/company may have indicated the preferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone, or Choice 3 if the company or client is handling by itself
  • Additional Information - Full description of the security is stated, and any other additional information.
  • Submit or Reset -After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on. NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field which may or may not have any entry, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients . The fields in the Form are represented in the Statement.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients statement.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

Auto number – Each record is assigned an automatic number which helps in tracking the records. There must  be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number.



Help document for Insurance PremComm (Premium and Commission) Analysis

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.
  • The first two fields to be completed are, namely:
  • User - The name of the insurance regulatory authority or that of the consultant or of the insurer itself processing the data is stated here.
  • Insurer - The name of the insurer whose data is being processed is stated here.
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made.The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

      After completing the  Client ID and Client Type fields, if the client is a company the               following  fields are completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

        For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client - The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number -The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.
  • Other fields are now filled, namely:
  • Class of Business - A drop-down is provided that will list, when clicked on, the two classes of business, namely General and Life, and also Others. The appropriate class is selected which goes into the field.
  • Line of Business - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business. The Lines of Business listed are, Fire, Accident, Motor, GIT, CAR, Aviation, Marine - Cargo, Marine - Hull, Group Life, Others, and Choice 3. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.
  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here
  • PolInceptDate - This is the date the insurance policy starts to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the policy inception date.
  • PolExpiryDate - This is the date the policy stops to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the policy expiry date.
  • RiskReserveDate - This is the accounting year end or the period end date to which the premium or commission is accrued from the policy inception date. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the risk reserved date.
  • Voucher Type:
  •   Debit Note: This has  a -1 sign entered against it already. This is not to be altered at all.
  •   Credit Note: This has a +1 sign entered against it already. This is not to be altered at all.
  •   Cash Receipt: This has  a -1 sign entered against it already. This is not to be altered at all.
  •   Cash Payment: This has a +1 sign entered against it already. This is not to be altered at all.
  •   Voucher sign: The appropriate sign (ie. either  -1 or 1), depending on the Voucher Type, is entered here by the data entry personnel
  • Voucher Date - The date on the voucher is entered in this field. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the voucher date.
  • Income Statement 1 -A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the types of revenue items - premium and commission. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • Income Statement 2 - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the types of premium and commission. These are Premium - New Business, Premium - Additional, Premium - Endorsement, Premium - Renewal, Premium - Return, Commission - New Business, Commission - Additional, Commission - Endorsement, Commission - Renewal, and Commission - Return. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • PREMIUMorCOMMISSION - The premium or commission amount is entered in this field.
  • PremiumOrCommission - The figure for the premium or commission is calculated automatically by the extension and shown in the All Clients page.
  • Transaction Type - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the transaction types. These are Direct, Local ReinsuranceInward, Overseas Reinsurance Inward, Local Reinsurance Outward, and Treaty Reinsurance Outward. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • Income Statement 3 - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the three options of EarnedPrem, CommPaid and also Choice 3. The applicable one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • EarnedPremOrCommPaid - The Extension will automatically calculate the figure for this field and enter it. The data entry officer is NOT TO ENTER ANYTHING HERE.
  • Statement of Affairs - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the three options of UPR, DAC and Choice 3. The applicable one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • UPRorDAC - The Extension will automatically calculate the figure for this field and enter it. The data entry officer is NOT TO ENTER ANYTHING HERE.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

   “Other Details”, namely:

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive or Choice3.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked. Types of Business provided for are Service Provider, Manufacturer, Consultant, Traders and Distributors, Other, and Choice 3.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone or Choice3.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here. If there is no additional information, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on for submission to the system. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is entered.                 
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel. - This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clickedon.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

    Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension.This will enable management to keep track of the entries posted. There must be an explanation for any missing number!



Help document for Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis

   i) New Client - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring            up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.

       The first two fields to be completed are, namely:

  • User - The name of the insurance regulatory authority or that of the consultant or that of the insurer itself processing the data is stated here.
  • Insurer - The name of the insurer whose data is being processed is stated here.
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made.The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

        After completing the Client ID and Client Type fields, if the client is a company thefollowing  fields will be completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

        For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client -The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here. The departments provided for are Department A, Department B, Department C, and N/A.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number - The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.

    The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.

     Other fields are now filled, namely:

     Line of Business A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field. The Lines of Business provided for are Fire, Accident, Motor, GIT, CAR, Aviation, Marine - Hull, Marine - Cargo.

  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here.
  • Claim Number -This field takes the number the insurer assigns to the claim.
  • AccDate - This is the date the insurer recognizes as the date of accident. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Claims Paid - This is the  amount paid to the claimant/insured. It is mandatory to fill this field.
  • Date Paid - Date of payment of claim is entered in this field. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Elapsedtimeinyears - This is the period between the accident date and date of payment of claim. The extension calculates this automatically on submission of the New Client Form and it is shown in the All Clients report.
  • Date Posted - The date the entry is made is entered by the data entry officer. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

   Other Details

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive or Choice 3.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked. The Types of Business provided for are Service Provider, Manufacturer, Consultant, Traders and Distributors, Other, Choice 3.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the preferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone or Choice 3.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on.
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field which may or may not have any entry, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.
  • This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

    Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension.This will enable management to keep track of the entries  posted.There must be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number!



Help document for Insurance Claims Outstanding and Age Analysis

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.
  • The first two fields to be completed are, namely:
  • User - The name of the insurance regulatory authority or that of the consultant or that of the insurer itself processing the data is stated here.
  • Insurer - The name of the insurer whose data is being processed is stated here.
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made. The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

    After completing the Client ID and Client Type fields, if the client is a company the               following fields will be completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

    For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client - The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here. Those provided for are Department A, Department B, Department C, and N/A.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number - The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.

The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.

Other fields are now filled, namely: 

     Line of Business - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of          business. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.      The Lines of Business provided for are Fire, Accident, Motor, GIT, CAR, Aviation, Marine -         Hull, and Marine - Cargo.

  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here.
  • Claim Number - This field takes the number the insurer assigns to the claim.
  • AccDate - This is the date the insurer recognizes as the date of accident. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Amount Claimed - This is the  amount claimed by the insured/claimant.
  • Outstanding Claims - Claim outstanding as at the end of accounting year under consideration is entered in this field
  • ClaimsOutstandingDate - This is the accounting year end date under consideration. It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter this date. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • ClmsOutstAgeinyrs - The calculation of claim outstanding age in years is calculated automatically by the Extension.This shows in the All Clients report on submission of the New Client form. The data entry officer is NOT to enter anything in this field.
  • Date Posted - The date the entry is made is entered by the data entry officer. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

 “Other Details”, namely:

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive or Choice 3.
  • Type of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked. Those listed are Service Provider, Manufacturer, Consultant, Traders and Distributors, Other, and Choice 3.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone or Choice 3..
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset - After entering the additional information and even where there is no additional information, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on to submit.  If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is entered.
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.

  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the Sheet 1 Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

  Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension. This will enable management to keep track of the entries posted. There must be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number!


 One of the ways to import data into any of the extensions is to use the MS Excel app.

It is necessary to gain access to the All Clients page of the extension before importing can take place. This will only happen by having at least an entry in the page. In case there were no records in the All Clients page before deciding to import, one will therefore need to record one of the entries to be imported in the system (extension) using the New Client page. This record automatically opens the All Clients page. The following steps are thereafter to be followed: 1) Click on the three horizontal lines at the upper right corner of the All Clients which will give a drop-down, 2) From the drop-down, click on Export which will give another drop-down, 3) From this drop-down, click on csv to export to csv/ms excel (the document even though exported in the csv format could be saved as 'Excel 97 - 2003 Workbook (*xls)'. The system gives a file name to the csv page exported, eg. "AllClients....." The records to be imported can be pasted in the appropriate columns on this page. Nothing should be pasted in the 'calculated cells' as the system will automatically calculate the values for such cells. Furthermore, the Auto Number cells are to be left blank as the system will generate the numbers once the page  is imported into the system. It is important to note that the csv/ms excel page contains all the fields stated in the New Client page.  IT IS IMPORTANT TO COMPLETE THE EMAIL CELLS. THIS IS MANDATORY BUT COMPLETING THE PHONE NUMBER CELLS IS NOT MANDATORY. The cell format of ‘Phone number’ is text. After pasting all the records to be imported into the extension (NB. to avoid double counting, the record used in the New Client for opening the 'All Clients' needs to be excluded), the page is saved on desktop. The extension is accessed again and the following steps taken. i) The three horizontal lines are clicked on and a drop-down appears, ii) 'Import' is clicked on and a page appears which requests you to browse and you click on the csv/ms excel file name. 

Using the downloads provided on the Web page:

One other way to import data is to use the appropriate downloads provided on the Web page. In order to use this, please click on 'More' on the left panel and then click on 'Import MS Excel for Extensions'. This brings up the page for the downloads. You may also scroll manually to the section. The 'download' button for the required extension is clicked on to download the Excel document. The Excel document downloaded shows the columns required for import to take place . The records are pasted on the document, saved and imported as herein described previously.


One way to update or edit a record that has been posted is to open the 'All Clients' page. The cursor is placed on the item to be updated or edited and this is clicked on and the 'New Client' page will open. When the updating or editing is completed, the page is scrolled to the end and the 'Update' button is clicked on to effect the change.


At the click of the button on 'INSURANCE EXTENSIONS FOR VIDEO LINKS', the page is opened. The button is on the left panel of the web page. A click on the 'Download' button of an extension will bring up the link. The link is copied and pasted on the address bar and the 'enter' button to display the video which can now be played.

1) Terms and Conditions - Zoho Marketplace

2) Privacy policy - Zoho Marketplace


Help documentation for Debtors Control 


The extension can be installed by all businesses of all sizes, including the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), who may desire to computerize the credit control aspect of their accounting functions (if none was in place before) or will want to replace the existing one with our robust extensions. The extension, Debtors Control, can be a stand-alone installation. Large enterprises can also acquire it as a bespoke application.

The justification for installing the Debtors Control extension is also true for its counterpart, Creditors Control extension. The debtors' control account is an account in the General Ledger that represents the total amount owed by all the individual debtors. It reflects the sales transactions with all the debtors and the total amount collected from arrive at the total amount receivable from all debtors.' The extension gives the individual accounts of debtors and the balances due from them whose total forms the basis for the control amount. The fields in the extension with the explanations are as follows:  i) Debtor Name - Once the extension is installed, the 'Debtor Name' comes up or the user may need to click on 'Debtor Name' on the left panel for it to come up. A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The fields to be completed are, namely: 

  • Debtor Name - The name of the debtor is stated here.
  • Debtor Type - The appropriate type is ticked out of the three types provided.
  • Address - The address fields are completed. Each of the fields can store data. A field is double-clicked to display the stored items. If the required item is in the list, it is clicked on and gets entered in the field. If the required item is not in the list, the new item is entered and it is stored along with others for subsequent or future use.
  • Account Number - The Account Number of the Debtor is filled here.
  • Voucher Type - A drop-down is provided listing three Voucher Types. The relevant one is clicked on for the field.
  • Voucher Date - The Voucher Date is entered here.
  • Voucher Number-The Voucher Number is entered here.
  • Voucher Amount - The amount on the Voucher is to be entered in this field.
  • Payment Received - The field must not be left empty! If no payment was received, then '0' (zero) must be entered in the field.
  • Debtor Balance - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value!
  • Debtor’s Account Balance NOTHING is to be entered in this field also. This is the field that shows the balance due from/(-to) ALL debtors.
  • Name – This item has two fields for completion: First Name and Last Name. Help text is provided underneath the fields which reads Data Entry Officer.                                                                                     Each field can store names. In entering the First Name, you are to double-click on the field when all the stored names would be displayed. If the name is in the list, you just click on the name and it will be entered in the field. If the name is not in the list, you add it by typing the name in the field when it is also stored and would be available for use subsequently or in the future. The same procedure goes for Last Name. You double-click on the empty field of Last Name when all the stored names are displayed and one can further click on the required name, if displayed. If not displayed, the new name is entered and this will now be stored and be available for future/subsequent use.
  • Add your Note here - You may add your note in this field, if you have any.
  • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on.
  • NB. All fields asterisked in red must be completed before the Debtor Name form can be submitted.

  • ii) All Debtor Names - The data entered in Debtor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Debtor Names. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report. ii) All Debtor Names Report - The data entered in Debtor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Debtor Names Report when the Submit button is clicked on in the Form. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following activities can be carried out in the All Debtor Names Report section of the extension, namely, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Print, and Export.

 Any of the above activities can be  done for any of the entries or a combination of them or for all of the entries. To work on an entry, the box in front of it is ticked and all the activities earlier mentioned appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on more than one entry, the boxes against the required boxes are ticked when all the activities appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on all of the entries, the first box, in between the eye-like image and Auto Number column, is ticked which automatically ticks all of the entries. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

TAKE - ON BALANCES                                                                                                                                       Unless a business is new and just starting operation when it might not have acquired debtors, otherwise an existing business would have had debtors on its books. On installation of this extension, and to ensure completeness of record, it would be necessary to ascertain balances outstanding against the individual debtors before introduction of the extension. It is important that the aggregate of these balances must equal the Accounts receivable figure in the last Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet). Such debtors' balances must be posted in the extension to the respective debtors' accounts with take-on balance or any other suitable name as the narration. A situation might arise where there is no available Statement of Financial Position after the audited one of the preceding year.                                                                                

In this case, take-on balances derived from the preceding year's audited Statement are posted into the extension. In addition, individual transactions from the beginning of the current year to the time of installation are also posted. Where available, figures of the audited interim financial statements or of the management accounts might be used. It is suggested that a Journal is raised for the take-on balances. A spreadsheet (for example, Microsoft Excel) may be used for the Journal for ease of calculation. All the debtor balances are entered in the Excel sheet and the total must be the same as the figure for Accounts Receivable or Debtors in the Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet. The Journal now stands as the Voucher for posting to the extension.


Please find below the link (URL) to the installation processing page.     Once it is clicked on, the installation page opens.        

Marketplace app link

At the top of the page are two buttons namely, Start free trial and Buy Now. If the decision is to have a trial first, the Start free trial button is clicked on and the process of installation is initiated. The process for purchase is initiated by clicking on the Buy Now button.

At the button of the page is the Help documentation button. A click on this will open the documention that will guide the user on the interaction with the Extension.

Help documentation for Creditors Control 


The extension can be installed by all businesses of all sizes, including the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), who may desire to computerise the credit control aspect of their accounting functions (if none was in place before) or will want to replace the existing one with our robust extensions. The extension, Creditors Control, can be a stand-alone installation. Large enterprises can also acquire it as a bespoke application. The justification for installing the Debtors Control extension is also true for its counterpart, Creditors Control extension. 

The creditors' control account is an account in the General Ledger that represents the total amount owed to all the individual creditors. It reflects the total sales transactions with all the creditors and the total amount paid to these creditors to arrive at the total amount payable to all the creditors. The extension gives the individual accounts of creditors and the balances due to them whose total forms the basis for the control amount. 

i) Creditor Name Form 

A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The fields to be completed are, namely: 

Creditor Type - The appropriate type is ticked out of the three types provided. 

Creditor Name - The name of the creditor is stated here. 

 Address - The address fields are completed. Each of the fields can store data. A field is double-clicked to display the stored items. If the required item is in the list, it is clicked on and gets entered in the field. If the required item is not in the list, the new item is entered and it is stored along with others for subsequent or future use. 

Account Number - The Account Number of the Creditor is filled here. 

Voucher Types - A drop-down is provided listing three Voucher Types. The relevant one is clicked on for the field. 

Voucher Date - The Voucher Date is entered here. 

Voucher Number-The Voucher Number is entered here. 

Voucher Amount - The amount on the Voucher is to be entered in this field. 

Payment made - The field must not be left empty! If no payment was received, then '0' (zero) must be entered in the field. 

Creditor Balance - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will automatically calculate the value! 

Creditor’s Account Balance – NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will also automatically calculate the value. This field shows the balance due to/from ALL the creditors. 

Name – This item has two fields for completion: First Name and Last Name. Help text is provided underneath the fields which reads Data Entry Officer. Each field can store names. o In entering the First Name, you are to double-click on the field when all the stored names would be displayed. If the name is in the list, you just click on the name and it will be entered in the field. If the name is not in the list, you add it by typing the name in the field when it is also stored and would be available for use subsequently or in the future. The same procedure goes for Last Name. You double-click on the empty field of Last Name when all the stored names are displayed and one can further click on the required name, if displayed. If not displayed, the new name is entered and this will now be stored and be available for future/subsequent use. 

Add your Note here - You may add your note in this field, if you have any. • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on. NB. All fields asterisked in red must be completed before the Creditor Name Form can be submitted. 

ii) All Creditor Names - The data entered in Creditor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Creditor Names. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report. 

All Creditor Names Report - The data entered in Creditor Name Form are all transmitted to the All Creditor Names Report when the Submit button is clicked on in the Form.                                                                         The following activities can be carried out in the All Creditor Names Report section of the extension, namely, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Print, and Export. Any of the above activities can be done for any of the entries or a combination of them or for all of the entries. 

To work on an entry, the box in front of it is ticked and all the activities earlier mentioned appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on more than one entry, the boxes against the required boxes are ticked when all the activities appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on all of the entries, the first box, in between the eye-like image and Auto Number column, is ticked which automatically ticks all of the entries. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 


Unless a business is new and just starting operation when it might not have acquired creditors, otherwise an existing business would have had creditors on its books. On installation of this extension, and to ensure completeness of record, it would be necessary to ascertain balances due to be paid to the individual creditors before introduction of the extension. It is important that the aggregate of these balances must equal the Accounts payable figure in the last Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet). Such creditors' balances must be posted in the extension to the respective creditors' accounts with take-on balance or any other suitable name as the narration. A situation might arise where there is no available Statement of Financial Position after the audited one of the preceding year. In this case, take-on balances derived from the preceding year's audited Statement are posted into the extension. In addition, individual transactions from the beginning of the current year to the date of installation are also posted. Where available, figures of the audited interim financial statements or of the management accounts might be used. It is suggested that a Journal is raised for the take-on balances. A spreadsheet (for example, Microsoft Excel) may be used for the Journal for ease of calculation. All the creditor balances are entered in the Excel sheet and the total must be the same as the figure for Accounts Payable or Creditors in the Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet. The Journal now stands as the Voucher for posting to the extension


Please find below the link (URL) to the installation page.     Once it is clicked on, the installation page opens.

At the top of the page are two buttons namely, Start free trial and Buy Now. If the decision is to have a trial first, the Start free trial button is clicked on and the process of installation is initiated. The process for purchase is initiated by clicking on the Buy Now button.

At the button of the page is the Help documentation button. A click on this will open the documention that will guide the user on the interaction with the Extension.

Help documentation for Cash Book


The extension can be installed by all businesses of all sizes, including the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), who may desire to computerise the Cash Book aspect of their accounting function (if none was in place before) or will want to replace the existing one with our robust extension. The extension, Cash Book, can be a stand-alone installation. Large enterprises can also acquire it as a bespoke application/extension.          A cash book records all the cash transactions of a business. It has two sides to it, Receipts side and Payments side. Transactions are recorded in chronological order and the balance is updated and verified on a continuous basis. Cash information can be accessed faster from the cash book. How the cash book works enables efficient management of cash and also helps cash budgeting.                                                                                        

The fields in the extension with the explanations are as follows:                                                                               i) Cash Book - Once the extension is installed, the 'Cash Book/Receipts and Payments' comes up.                        A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The fields to be completed are, namely: 

  • Date - The date of entry of the transaction, receipt or payment, is entered here. This is mandatory.
  • Account Name - The name of the transaction: debtor or creditor, purchase or sale of item. This is mandatory.
  • Account Number - The Account Number of the debtor or creditor, item purchased or sold for cash. This is mandatory.
  • Voucher Types - A drop-down is provided listing various voucher types. The relevant one is clicked on for the field. This is mandatory.
  • Voucher Number-The Voucher Number is entered here. This is mandatory.
  • Voucher Date – The date on the Voucher is entered here. This is mandatory
  • Cash Receipt - The cash amount received stated on the Voucher is to be entered in this field. This is mandatory. If the transaction being entered is for bank receipt, 0 must be entered here while the Bank Receipt field has the amount for it.
  • Bank Receipt – Amount stated in the bank credit advice is entered in this field. This is mandatory. If the transaction being entered is for cash receipt, 0 must be entered here while the Cash Receipt field has the amount for it.
  • Cash Payment – Cash paid is entered here. It is mandatory. If there is no cash payment, 0 is entered.
  • Bank Payment – Payment made by cheque or by a standing order to the bank is entered here. This is mandatory. If no bank payment, 0 is entered.
  • Discount Allowed – Discount allowed to a debtor is entered here when the debtor makes payment. If no discount, 0 is entered as it is mandatory.                                                                                                               It is to be noted that Discount Allowed is a revenue/income statement item that pertains to a particular accounting year. So, this should be closed at the last day of the accounting year by transferring the total to the debit of discount allowed account in the expense ledger/revenue account. The individual debtors are credited with the amounts relating to them. This is effected in the extension by entering in the Discount Allowed field of the Receipts and Payments Form a negative figure of the latest amount shown in the Total Discount Allowed column of the Receipts and Payments Report.
  • Total Discount Allowed - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value!         This is the field that gives the updated amount of total discounts allowed when an entry is made.
  • Discount Received - Discount received from a creditor is entered here when payment is made to the creditor. If no discount, is entered as it is mandatory.                                                                                       It is to be noted that Discount Received is a revenue/income statement item that pertains to a particular accounting year. So, this should be closed at the last day of the accounting year by transferring the total to the credit of discount allowed account in the revenue account. The individual creditors are debited with the amounts relating to them. This is effected in the extension by entering in the Discount Received field of the Receipts and Payments Form a negative figure of the latest amount shown in the Total Discount Received column of the Receipts and Payments Report.
  • Total Discount Received - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value!    This is the field that gives the updated amount of total discounts received when an entry is made.
  • Ledger Folio No. – The number of the ledger folio of the counterpart entry of the Cash Book entry is entered here.
  • Cash in Hand - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value.
  • Cash at Bank - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value!
  • Cash Balance - NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value! This is the physical cash in hand at a date.
  • Bank Balance – NOTHING is to be entered in this field as the System will generate the value! This is the amount in the bank at a date.
  • Notes – Additional particulars of the transaction are stated along with any other information.
  • Name – This item has two fields for completion: First Name and Last Name. Help text is provided underneath the fields which reads Data Entry Officer. Each field can store names. In entering the First Name, you are to double-click on the field when all the stored names would be displayed. If the name is in the list, you just click on the name and it will be entered in the field. If the name is not in the list, you add it by typing the name in the field when it is also stored and would be available for use subsequently or in the future. The same procedure goes for Last Name. You double-click on the empty field of Last Name when all the stored names are displayed and one can further click on the required name, if displayed. If not displayed, the new name is entered and this will now be stored and be available for future/subsequent use.
  • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on.
  • NB. All fields asterisked in red must be completed before the Receipts and Payments form can be submitted.
  • ii) Receipts and Payments Report - The data entered in Receipts and Payments Form are all transmitted to the Receipts and Payments Report when the Submit button is clicked on in the Form. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following activities can be carried out in the Receipts and Payments Report section of the extension, namely, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Print, and Export.

 Any of the above activities can be  done for any of the entries or a combination of them or for all of the entries. To work on an entry, the box in front of it is ticked and all the activities earlier mentioned appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on more than one entry, the boxes against the required boxes are ticked when all the activities appear at the top of the report. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

To work on all of the entries, the first box, in between the eye-like image and Auto Number column, is ticked which automatically ticks all of the entries. The activity required is then clicked on, and the directives are followed (it is interactive). 

TAKE - ON BALANCES On installation of this extension, and to ensure completeness of record, it would be necessary to ascertain cash and bank balances before the introduction of the extension. It is important that the figures that appeared in the last Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) would be the opening figures in the extension, provided the installation took place and became operational on the first day of the succeeding year. However, if the installation is done during the accounting year, it may be necessary to draw up a Bank Reconciliation as at the date of installation so as to determine the take-on figure for the bank. A certified Statement of Cash Balance as at the date of installation issued by a designated officer (the CEO or Company Secretary) might be needed. Furthermore, figures of the audited interim financial statements or of the management accounts might be used.

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Help documentation

Help document for Amortization Calculator

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The form, in its upper part, has fields for contact information to be completed. After finishing with this section of the form, the following fields are completed:

  • Security - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will show the Security types. The intended security is selected which now shows in the security field.
  • StartDate - This is the date the transaction starts to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the start date.
  • Year/PrdEnd - This is the accounting year or period to which the amortization is calculated from the StartDate.The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.        It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the year/prdend date.
  • EndDate - This is the date the transaction comes to an end.The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the end date.
  • Cash Book - The Cash Book has the Receipts and Payments. A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will show Receipt with the minus sign and Payment with no sign. If it is a receipt (eg. Rent received in advance) the figure is entered as a negative amount in the Amount field and a payment (eg. Rent paid in advance) is entered as a positive amount, with no sign before it, in the Amount field.
  • Amount - This is the amount for the transaction. A negative (-) figure is shown as Amount if an income and a positive figure (that is, not showing any sign at all) if an expense. It is mandatory.
  • Amortised - This is the portion of the Amount amortised from the StartDate to the Year/Prd.End. The calculation is done by the App. on submission of the Form and shown in the Report. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Balance - This is the balance of the Amount from the Year/Prd.End to the EndDate. The calculation is done by the App. on submission of the Form and shown in the Report. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Email address - This is the email address of the data entry officer. It is mandatory and therefore to be completed.
  • Other Details         
  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset -After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on. NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field which may or may not have any entry, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients . The fields in the Form are represented in the Statement.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients statement.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

Auto number – Each record is assigned an automatic number which helps in tracking the records. There must  be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number.

Help document for Insurance PremComm (Premium and Commission) Analysis

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.
  • The first two fields to be completed are, namely:
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made.The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

       After completing the above fields, if the client is a company the following fields will be                            completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

        For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client - The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number -The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.
  • Other fields are now filled, namely:
  • Class of Business - A drop-down is provided that will list, when clicked on, the two classes of business, namely General and Life. The appropriate class is selected which goes into the field.
  • Line of Business - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.
  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here
  • PolInceptDate - This is the date the insurance policy starts to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the policy inception date.
  • PolExpiryDate - This is the date the policy stops to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the policy expiry date.
  • RiskReserveDate - This is the accounting year end or the period end date to which the premium or commission is accrued from the policy inception date. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the risk reserved date.
  • Voucher Type - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the different voucher types. Each voucher type is preceded by either a plus or a minus sign. The sign indicates the type of figure (positive or negative) to be entered in the PremiumOrCommission field.
  • Voucher Date - The date on the voucher is entered in this field. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the voucher date.
  • Income Statement 2 - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the types of premium and commission. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • PremiumOrCommission - The premium or commission amount is entered in this field. The sign for the amount is determined by the sign preceding the voucher type.
  • Transaction Type - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the transaction types. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • Income Statement 3 - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the two options of EarnedPrem and CommPaid. The applicable one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • EarnedPremOrCommPaid - The Extension will automatically calculate the figure for this field and enter it. The data entry officer is NOT TO ENTER ANYTHING HERE.
  • Statement of Affairs - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the two options of UPR and DAC. The applicable one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • UPRorDAC - The Extension will automatically calculate the figure for this field and enter it. The data entry officer is NOT TO ENTER ANYTHING HERE.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

   “Other Details”, namely:

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here. If there is no additional information, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on for submission to the system. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is entered.                 
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel. - This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clickedon.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

    Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension.This will enable management to keep track of the entries posted. There must be an explanation for any missing number!

Help document for Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis   i) New Client - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form.          A Form is to be completed for every transaction.       The first two fields to be completed are, namely:

  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made.The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

        After completing the above fields, if the client is a company the following fields will be                           completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

        For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client -The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number - The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.

    The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.     Other fields are now filled, namely:     Line of Business A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business.            The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.

  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here.
  • Claim Number -This field takes the number the insurer assigns to the claim.
  • AccDate - This is the date the insurer recognizes as the date of accident. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Claims Paid - This is the  amount paid to the claimant/insured. It is mandatory to fill this field.
  • Date Paid - Date of payment of claim is entered in this field. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Elapsedtimeinyears - This is the period between the accident date and date of payment of claim. The extension calculates this automatically on submission of the New Client Form and it is shown in the All Clients report.
  • Date Posted - The date the entry is made is entered by the data entry officer. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

   Other Details

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on.
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field which may or may not have any entry, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.
  • This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

    Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered              automatically by the Extension.This will enable management to keep track of the entries                       posted.There must be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number!

Help document for Insurance Claims Outstanding and Age Analysis

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.
  • The first two fields to be completed are, namely:
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made. The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

    After completing the above fields, if the client is a company the following fields will be completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

    For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client - The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number - The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.

The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.Other fields are now filled, namely:      Line of Business - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.

  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here.
  • Claim Number - This field takes the number the insurer assigns to the claim.
  • AccDate - This is the date the insurer recognizes as the date of accident. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Amount Claimed - This is the  amount claimed by the insured/claimant.
  • Outstanding Claims - Claim outstanding as at the end of accounting year under consideration is entered in this field
  • ClaimsOutstandingDate - This is the accounting year end date under consideration. It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter this date. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • ClmsOutstAgeinyrs - The calculation of claim outstanding age in years is calculated automatically by the Extension.This shows in the All Clients report on submission of the New Client form. The data entry officer is NOT to enter anything in this field.
  • Date Posted - The date the entry is made is entered by the data entry officer. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

 “Other Details”, namely:

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset - After entering the additional information and even where there is no additional information, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on to submit.  If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is entered.
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the Sheet 1 Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

  Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension. This will enable management to keep track of the entries posted. There must be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number! 

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Help documentation 2

Help document for Accruals and Prepayments Calculator

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction. The form, in its upper part, has fields for contact information to be completed. After finishing with this section of the form, the following fields are completed:

  • Security - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will show the Security types. The intended security is selected which now shows in the security field.
  • StartDate - This is the date the transaction starts to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the start date.
  • Year/PrdEnd - This is the accounting year or period to which the amortization is calculated from the StartDate.The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.        It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the year/prdend date.
  • EndDate - This is the date the transaction comes to an end.The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the end date.
  • Cash Book - The Cash Book has the Receipts and Payments. A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will show Receipt with the minus sign and Payment with no sign. If it is a receipt (eg. Rent received in advance) the figure is entered as a negative amount in the Amount field and a payment (eg. Rent paid in advance) is entered as a positive amount, with no sign before it, in the Amount field.
  • Amount - This is the amount for the transaction. A negative (-) figure is shown as Amount if an income and a positive figure (that is, not showing any sign at all) if an expense. It is mandatory.
  • Amortised - This is the portion of the Amount amortised from the StartDate to the Year/Prd.End. The calculation is done by the App. on submission of the Form and shown in the Report. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Balance - This is the balance of the Amount from the Year/Prd.End to the EndDate. The calculation is done by the App. on submission of the Form and shown in the Report. The Data Entry officer is NOT TO ENTER anything in this field at all.
  • Email address - This is the email address of the data entry officer. It is mandatory and therefore to be completed.
  • Other Details         
  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset -After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on. NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field which may or may not have any entry, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients . The fields in the Form are represented in the Statement.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients statement.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

Auto number – Each record is assigned an automatic number which helps in tracking the records. There must  be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number.

Help document for Insurance PremComm (Premium and Commission) Analysis

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.
  • The first two fields to be completed are, namely:
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made.The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

       After completing the above fields, if the client is a company the following fields will be                            completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

        For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client - The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number -The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.
  • Other fields are now filled, namely:
  • Class of Business - A drop-down is provided that will list, when clicked on, the two classes of business, namely General and Life. The appropriate class is selected which goes into the field.
  • Line of Business - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.
  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here
  • PolInceptDate - This is the date the insurance policy starts to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the policy inception date.
  • PolExpiryDate - This is the date the policy stops to run. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the policy expiry date.
  • RiskReserveDate - This is the accounting year end or the period end date to which the premium or commission is accrued from the policy inception date. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the risk reserved date.
  • Voucher Type - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the different voucher types. Each voucher type is preceded by either a plus or a minus sign. The sign indicates the type of figure (positive or negative) to be entered in the PremiumOrCommission field.
  • Voucher Date - The date on the voucher is entered in this field. The calendar icon provided is clicked on and scrolled right or left to get the required year and month and the date selected. A shortcut can be used where a calendar is selected and a date entered in the field. The date can now be amended to the required date with the cursor.  It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter the voucher date.
  • Income Statement 2 - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the types of premium and commission. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • PremiumOrCommission - The premium or commission amount is entered in this field. The sign for the amount is determined by the sign preceding the voucher type.
  • Transaction Type - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the transaction types. The appropriate one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • Income Statement 3 - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the two options of EarnedPrem and CommPaid. The applicable one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • EarnedPremOrCommPaid - The Extension will automatically calculate the figure for this field and enter it. The data entry officer is NOT TO ENTER ANYTHING HERE.
  • Statement of Affairs - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the two options of UPR and DAC. The applicable one is selected which gets entered in the field.
  • UPRorDAC - The Extension will automatically calculate the figure for this field and enter it. The data entry officer is NOT TO ENTER ANYTHING HERE.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

   “Other Details”, namely:

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here. If there is no additional information, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on for submission to the system. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is entered.                 
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel. - This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clickedon.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

    Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension.This will enable management to keep track of the entries posted. There must be an explanation for any missing number!

Help document for Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis   i) New Client - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form.          A Form is to be completed for every transaction.       The first two fields to be completed are, namely:

  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made.The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

        After completing the above fields, if the client is a company the following fields will be                           completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

        For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client -The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number - The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.

    The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.     Other fields are now filled, namely:     Line of Business A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business.            The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.

  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here.
  • Claim Number -This field takes the number the insurer assigns to the claim.
  • AccDate - This is the date the insurer recognizes as the date of accident. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Claims Paid - This is the  amount paid to the claimant/insured. It is mandatory to fill this field.
  • Date Paid - Date of payment of claim is entered in this field. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Elapsedtimeinyears - This is the period between the accident date and date of payment of claim. The extension calculates this automatically on submission of the New Client Form and it is shown in the All Clients report.
  • Date Posted - The date the entry is made is entered by the data entry officer. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

   Other Details

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type Of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset - After the completion of the Form, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on. If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is clicked on.
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field which may or may not have any entry, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.
  • This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the All Clients Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

    Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered              automatically by the Extension.This will enable management to keep track of the entries                       posted.There must be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number!

Help document for Insurance Claims Outstanding and Age Analysis

  • i) New Client Form - Once the extension is installed, the user will click on New Client to bring up a Form. A Form is to be completed for every transaction.
  • The first two fields to be completed are, namely:
  • Client ID - Identification number of the Client is entered here.
  • Client Type - Individual and Corporate clients are the two client types for which provision is made. The appropriate one is ticked for each transaction.

    After completing the above fields, if the client is a company the following fields will be completed:

  • Company Name - The name of the company (the insured) is entered here.
  • Company Website - The web address of the company is entered here.

    For the two types of client, the following contact information fields are completed:

  • Client - The name of the contact person in the client’s office or place is entered here.
  • Department - The department of the contact person is entered here.
  • Email address - The email address of the contact person is entered here. If the client is a company, it could be the email address of the company.
  • Contact address - The contact address of the individual or the company is provided in the fields.
  • Phone number - The phone number of the individual or company insured is entered here.

The phone number entered ends the provision of the contact information.Other fields are now filled, namely:      Line of Business - A drop-down is provided which when clicked on will list the lines of business. The appropriate one for the transaction is selected which goes into the field.

  • Policy Number - The policy number of the insurance is entered here.
  • Claim Number - This field takes the number the insurer assigns to the claim.
  • AccDate - This is the date the insurer recognizes as the date of accident. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on registers in the field.
  • Amount Claimed - This is the  amount claimed by the insured/claimant.
  • Outstanding Claims - Claim outstanding as at the end of accounting year under consideration is entered in this field
  • ClaimsOutstandingDate - This is the accounting year end date under consideration. It is mandatory for the data entry officer to enter this date. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • ClmsOutstAgeinyrs - The calculation of claim outstanding age in years is calculated automatically by the Extension.This shows in the All Clients report on submission of the New Client form. The data entry officer is NOT to enter anything in this field.
  • Date Posted - The date the entry is made is entered by the data entry officer. The calendar icon  is clicked on and the calendar drops. This is scrolled to the appropriate calendar and the date clicked on which now registers in the field. It is mandatory to enter this date.
  • Email - The data entry officer enters his or her email address here.

 “Other Details”, namely:

  •  Client Status - The applicable status is ticked, Active or Inactive.
  • Type of Business - The applicable type of business of the insured is ticked.
  • Preferred Contact Method - The insured may have indicated the deferred contact method. This is ticked, Email or Phone.
  • Additional Information - Any additional information on the policy is stated here.
  • Submit or Reset - After entering the additional information and even where there is no additional information, the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on to submit.  If there is the need to cancel the form, the ‘Reset’ button is entered.
  • NB. Every field, except the ‘Additional Information’ field, must be completed before the New Client form can be submitted.
  • ii) All Clients - The data entered in New Client Form are all transmitted to the All Clients. The fields in the Form are represented in the Report.
  • The following can be done in the All Clients section of the extension.
  • Sorting - Each of the fields can be sorted by entry and by group. By the side of each field is a diamond/triangle icon which when clicked on will give the following drop-down options, Search, Sort by Asc, Sort by Desc, Group by Asc, Group by Desc, and Hide Column.
  • A sorting can be saved or removed by moving the cursor to the top of the page next to “Sheet Report” when the two options show up and the appropriate one clicked on.
  • Sorting using MS Excel - Further sorting can be done by exporting the All Clients Report to MS Excel.This is achieved by clicking on the three small horizontal lines (next to the + sign) at the top of the All Clients Report. This gives a drop-down which has ‘Export’ as one of the options. Once Export is clicked on there is another drop-down of a set of options. One of them is ‘.csv’. When .csv is clicked on it brings up the Sheet 1 Report in the .csv MS Excel format. In order to avoid the possibility of losing some features in the .csv format, it is advisable to save in the MS Excel (*xls) format. This is done, in the .csv format, by clicking on the ‘Save As…’ button which brings up a page. A file name is indicated on the page and ‘Save’ is clicked on.
  • Printing - The Report can be printed from the CSV and MS Excel (*xls) formats. In each case, ‘File’ is selected in the Toolbar and in the drop-down ‘Print’ is clicked on.

  Auto number - The All Clients statement has an Auto-Number field. All entries are numbered automatically by the Extension. This will enable management to keep track of the entries posted. There must be a satisfactory explanation for any missing number! 

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Background Image

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A portrait image that was shot in 2020

Intro Video

A shot intro video clip

Insurance Premium and Commission Analysis

Insurance Premium and Commission Analysis Extension

Insurance Claims Outstanding Age Analysis Extension 5th June 2021

Insurance Claims Outstanding Age Analysis Extension 5th June 2021

Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis Extension of 6th June 2021

Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis Extension of 6th June 2021

Amortization Calculator

Amortization Calculator All Clients 38

Background Image

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Portrait Image

A portrait image that was shot in 2020

Intro Video

A shot intro video clip

Amortization Calculator demo link

Amortization Calculator demo link

Insurance PremComm demo link

Insurance Premium and Commission demo link

Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis demo link

Insurance Claims Payment and Delay Analysis demo link

Insurance Claims Outstanding Age Analysis demo link

Insurance Claims Outstanding Age Analysis demo link

Background Image

A background image that can be downloaded

Portrait Image

A portrait image that was shot in 2020

Intro Video

A shot intro video clip

Background Image

A background image that can be downloaded

Portrait Image

A portrait image that was shot in 2020

Intro Video

A shot intro video clip

Background Image

A background image that can be downloaded

Portrait Image

A portrait image that was shot in 2020

Intro Video

A shot intro video clip

  •  08/16/2022 08:00 PM
  •   New York, NY, USA

This an event article, used for writing about and listing the events planned for the future on your website. You can edit all of this text from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.

  •  11/30/2021 08:00 PM
  •   2816 Cinamon Lane, San Antonio, TX

This an event article, used for writing about and listing the events planned for the future on your website. You can edit all of this text from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.

  •  08/18/2021 08:00 PM
  •   3557 Pretty View Lane, Alderpoint CA

This an event article, used for writing about and listing the events planned for the future on your website. You can edit all of this text from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.

  •  12/25/2018 09:00 PM
  •   1684 Wildrose Lane, Detroit, MI

This an event article, used for writing about and listing the events planned for the future on your website. You can edit all of this text from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.

9 Steps To Starting a Business

9 Steps To Starting a Business

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

7 Big Things A Start-Up Must Have To Succeed

7 Big Things A Start-Up Must Have To Succeed

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

How To Make Extra Money

How To Make Extra Money

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

Boost Your Income

Boost Your Income

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

How To Motivate Employees

How To Motivate Employees

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

How To Pick a Name For Your Startup

How To Pick a Name For Your Startup

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.